What Are 5 Differences Between SSD and HDD

What is SSD? What are the differences between SSD and HDD and the advantages and disadvantages of SSD you will learn in today's article. If you are going to buy a new laptop or computer, then one of the confusion that remains nowadays is whether we should go with the latest storage drive called SSD or with the old HDD. Friends, Solid State Drive is the full form of SSD. Nowadays you will see that those who have high end computers and laptops whose prices are high, you get SSD instead of HDD. In low and medium budget computers, you get more HDD. There are a few reasons for this to happen, which you will find below in detail.

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What is HDD?

Hard Disk Drive is the full form of HDD. These are a storage drive which has been used for a long time. HDD was invented by IBM in 1956. HDDs have moving parts. To read and write data there are spinning platter which rotate. The faster these spinning platter rotates, the faster the data read and write. Most HDDs available today come with 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm speed.

You get HDD with very high storage options. So if you want more storage space then you can go with hdd. In 2018, 500 gb HDD has been given as a minimum in laptops and computers. You can also get 1000 gb (1TB) HDD easily in the budget laptop.

In appearance, HDDs look similar to SSDs. The HDD used in the laptop is 2.5 inches thick and 3.5 inches thick in the computer.

What is SSD? What is SSD?

SSDs are also a storage drive that can do everything that HDDs do. The latest technology is used in SSD, there are no moving parts in it. It also works when it does not get any power. SSD consists of Data Write and Read electronically. NAND-based flash memory is used in SSD. Which does not lose data even after the system is off. Its life is also very much. Because it does not have moving parts, which reduces the chances of them getting damaged.

SSD works like Pen Drive and Memory Card. Its speed is many times more than HDD. But it costs 3-4 times more than HDD. So you will see that the laptop which has ssd is very expensive.

SSDs are available in the same size as HDDs. With this, they are easily installed in laptop or computer instead of Hard Disk Drive.

What is the difference between SSD VS HDD?
The SSD and HDD both have storage drives that store your date and work with the system boot. The work is same but both have some differences. So let's start with the advantages and disadvantages of SSD and HDD.

1. Speed

The biggest feature of SSD is the speed it provides. In comparison to HDD, sdd gives very fast speed. In a HDD, where your pc or laptop is booted up in minutes, the same work is done in seconds in ssd. The hdd needs more time to boot the operating system or open a file.

The speed of copying and writing any file is from 50 to 120 mb / s in HDD. These speeds can range from 200 mb / s to 550 mb / s in SSD.

2. Price

Talking about the price of these two storage drives, the HDD kills here. Its price is much less than ssd. HDD is used only in low-cost computers and laptops.

The price difference in SSD and HDD is quite high. SSDs are about 4-5 times more expensive than HDDs. 1 TB HDD where 3 to 4 thousand are easily available. And in SSD, you will get only 120 gb storage option for the price of 3-4 thousand.

3. Storage Capacity

If you want a drive with more storage capacity then HDD will be a better option for you. Today's low-cost computers also have HDD with 1 tb space which can be up to 8 tb. Because SSDs are very expensive, they have to be compromised with low storage capacity. Most computers come with ssd ranging from 120 gb to 500 gb.

4. Durability

There is no moving part in SSD which makes it more safe. The risk of HDD deteriorating due to falling of laptop or any pressure is high. The probability of data loss in SSD is very less. If you talk about Life then ssd is better here too.

5. Power and Noise

hdd consumes more power than ssd. Hdd consumes about 6-7 watts of power, same SSD consumes 2-3 watts of power. Therefore, it is seen that the devices which have ssd give more battery backup.

Whenever there is a data copy or paste, the spinning platter in the hdd rotates causing the sound. The faster it travels, the more sound will be generated. SSDs are non-mechanical so there is no such sound.

Should you get SSD or HDD?

Friends, by comparison of the above SSD and HDD, you will know what will happen if they have some advantages, then they also have some disadvantages. If you have to buy laptop or computer and you are confuse in both these storage drives, then you must first understand what your needs are and you will have to decide accordingly. Let's know some points from which you will know whether you have to take HDD or SSD.

SSD (Solid State Drive) is right for them:

For whom speed matters the most, even if they have to spend more money for it.
SSD does not offer much storage space. So people who can run work even in less space can go for ssd.
SSDs are a better option for greater data safety.
HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is perfect for them:

If your budget is less then you can take HDD. HDDs cost significantly less than ssd.
If you want more storage space then you should take a laptop or computer with HDD. In this, you will get more storage space for less money.
If speed does not matter much for you then HDD can be taken.
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